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Ruks & Medyn provides its service to the user of the website and wishes to express that your privacy is of the utmost concern to us. We guarantee to treat any information received from you with the highest level of respect.

When you visit the site, we collect certain personal information about you. As used in this policy, “personal information” means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, to you or your household.


We may use your information for the following purposes:

  • Providing information to you: We use the e-mail address you provide through the site to communicate with you.

  • Improving the site: We use your device and online identifiers, information about your internet, browser, and network activity, and location data to measure technical site performance.

  • Marketing: We use information about your internet, browser, and network activity for marketing purposes.

  • Operating the site: We use your IP address, location data, and internet, browser, and network activity to enable our site metrics for site administration and management purposes.


The company will not sell, share or rent your confidential information to any independent third parties without your prior consent. We do not disclose your personal information collected through the site to other entities, except as described in this policy.

We may share your information with the following types of entities:

  • Service providers: We engage service providers to assist us with operating the site. These service providers analyze information about our site and your use of the site. Information disclosed for these purposes may include device and online identifiers, information about your internet, browser, and network activity, and location data.

  • Other entities related to legal process and emergency situations: We may disclose personal information to third parties as permitted by, or to comply with, applicable laws and regulations.

Applicable law requires that we identify the categories of personal information we share for business purposes. We disclose the following categories of personal information for business purposes: Personal identifiers, device and online identifiers, information about your internet, browser, and network activity, and location data.


Ruks & Medyn is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information. We limit access to your personal information to Ruks & Medyn authorized employees or agents and the third parties described above in Sharing of Personal Information With Other Entities. We also maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect the information against loss, misuse, damage or modification and unauthorized access or disclosure. Some of the other central features of our information security program are:

  • A dedicated group – the Information Security Department – that designs, implements and provides oversight of our information security program.

  • The use of specialized technology such as firewalls.

  • Testing of the security and functionality of products and services before they are introduced to the Internet, as well as ongoing scanning for publicly known vulnerabilities in the technology.

  • Internal and external reviews of our Internet sites and services.

  • Monitoring of our systems infrastructure to detect weaknesses and potential intrusions.

  • Implementing controls to identify, authenticate and authorize access to various systems or sites.

  • Protecting information during transmission through various means including, appropriate encryption etc.

  • Providing Ruks & Medyn personnel with relevant training and continually updating our security practices in light of new risks and developments in technology.

  • Receive, process, and disburse funds under controls that are sufficient to maintain basic segregation of duties to protect bank accounts, income receipts, and payments.


Transaction information can be securely transmitted to the payment gateway via secure SSL connections


If you decide to register with Ruks & Medyn, “cookies” are used to recognize you on subsequent visits and to make your online experience more user-friendly. “Cookies” are small bits of data that can be sent to your computer which then maybe stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. They cannot be used to retrieve data from your hard drive, email addresses or personally identifying information about you in anyway. Most web browsers have features that can notify you when you receive a “cookie” or prevent “cookies” from being sent. Please note that by not accepting cookies, you will limit the functionality that can be provided to you when you visit https://ruksandmedyn.com/.


When using particular Ruks & Medyn services, the user of the Ruks & Medyn website shall be subject to any posted guidelines or rules applicable to such services which may be posted from time to time. All such guidelines or rules are hereby incorporated by reference into the Terms and conditions. If we make material changes to this policy, we will let you know by appropriate means, such as posting the revised copy on this page with a new effective date.You will also be bound by changes in respect to the terms from time-to-time as communicated and made available on the website.